Today I woke up around 5 a.m. and took some meds and slept another couple hours. This seems to becoming a pattern here. At least I felt well rested today. Since the walking on my foot yesterday did not change my sleep pattern I decided to continue putting full weight on it today. I had physio all morning and Barry had me try the Alter-G Anti-gravity treadmill. This is a pretty cool piece of equipment because you can adjust how much weight and pressure are applied to the lower body. This technology was originally for NASA astronauts training for a space mission. Basically my whole lower body was encased in an air chamber and then I was able to walk on the treadmill for about 12 minutes very slowly at 70% of my body weight. This felt pretty good and my foot wasn't too sore while doing this.
Alter-G Anti-Gravity treadmill | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
One of my main areas of soreness is where the Hyprocure implant is on the outer side of the foot. I have read that the more a person walks with this the less pain they feel. I am pleased with being able to walk (or more like hobble) around the house. I look pretty pathetic, I know!
This afternnon I watched all of the kids while David worked with his dad, Bobby and Justin to finish the tile. It won't be much longer until the iPool is up and running! Finally! I'm very thankful for all the work they have done for this project. After pizza for dinner the kids and I watched "101 Dalmations".
I'm starting the anti gravity treadmill Mon! I am hitting 3 mos post surgery and today already have foot up wrapped in heat. I wear an aso brace, can't do my orthotics at all..just so frustrating. Thought I'd be better- but I'm driving,doing small tasks,short dog walks-so have to focus on the positive- though its hard laying in bed! But am walking without crutch and sometimes a cane. But weekend I end up back in boot and heel gets tight-its that or resume pain meds,,off 3 weeks. My let atrophied and I lost 12lbs..ttying to get stronger! At PT 3x week..went Fri- so sore tight Sat.
ReplyDeleteMy days run 4 hrs and done on foot- going out later,so rest it now& hope i can tolerate brace..also have comression sleeve,put it over sox sometimes. Oh having problems with sox- wearing diabetic type still feel tight...todays not great.every good day seems followed by bad one!
I lost my appetite on pain meds- on gabapentin and celebrex now