I slept pretty good and woke up at 6:30 a.m. It's always nice to make it past six. Today was pretty busy. David dropped Alex and Jackson off at Dana's house (my mother-in-law). She has been watching the kids so much doing the past several months which I am so thankful. I had Kaitlyn and Ryan with me so we could do some school work this morning. We then went to my physical and aquatic therapy at the Meyer Center the rest of the morning. Barry thought everything was going well. He wants me to continue taping my foot with partial-weight bearing. Soon he wants me to start using just one crutch. I actually tried this at home some and it felt pretty good. Still the bottom part right under the incision is very tender and sore. The swelling causes even more discomfort and I am hoping this gradually calms down soon. After therapy we ate at Subway which is conveniently located right inside the Meyer Center. We then went to Ryan's allergy shots appointment before heading home.
It was amazing weather today! Seventy-two degrees and sunny was perfect for the kids to play in our tree house in the woods. I was able to walk outside with my crutches some and it felt great to get a good dose of sunshine.
After dinner, Justin, one of our pastors from church, came to help David put in the tile in our room downstairs. I am really thankful for Justin and his willingness to assist David. While the guys were working downstairs, the kids watched "Monster's University" and then went to bed. What a day! I'm worn out!
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