Wednesday, March 5, 2014

42 days post-op (6 weeks)

Last evening I went to get a Reflexology massage.  It was recommended to me  by my brother-in-law so I decided to go check it out.  This 80 year old lady spent 2 1/2 hours massaging my feet, back, shoulders, and head.  She also used this vibrating machine all over the entire body.  I felt very relaxed and am glad I went and to top it off she only charged me $30!  I just might squeeze in another time to see her before I leave on Saturday.  Last night I slept better and woke up around 6 a.m.  I didn't even need to take a pain pill during the night just my usual Neurontin and sleeping pill.  My ankle felt achy and was a little sore while water walking at the Matt Ross Community center today.  After therapy I went to visit my sister-in-law, Esther and my nephew, Derek.  My mom and Jackson came along as well.  We ate a delicious lunch of lasagna, foccacia bread, salad, and cookies.  Jackson and Derek had a blast playing together!  They are both 2 years old and only five months apart.  After that, I came home and gave Jackson a nap.  I am now soaking my feet in an Epsom salt bath to reduce swelling.  We will see how this makes my foot feel.  Tonight I have a Bible study at my parent's church. 

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