Tuesday, March 11, 2014

48 days post-op

    Last night was a little rough and I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.  I tried wearing a foot night splint and that might have caused the pain so I am not doing that again.  After David left for work, I had to go back to bed to catch up on some needed sleep.  I felt a little better after that.  This morning, I worked on schoolwork with the kids.  After lunch, I took the kids with me to the Meyer Center and then came home this afternoon.  It was another gorgeous day so I sent Ryan and Kaitlyn out to play.  I didn't get the chance to get outside today.  I decided to experiment and try walking around in my tennis shoes some to see how it felt.  There is definitely some pain, swelling, and discomfort but hopefully I can continue this and not have to go back to using two crutches. The part of my foot that has the implant is very tender since it has not had full weight on it yet.  I will see how it goes tonight.
      I listened to a great message by Elyse Fitzpatrick about worry.  That has been a huge issue for me lately - mainly about whether or not I will heal from this surgery and about my future.  She uses the passage in  Matthew 6:19-34.  My faith will grow as I focus on what Christ has already accomplished through the gospel and what He did on the cross for me.  So why should I be anxious in this life?  My worry does not accomplish anything and doesn't change the outcome of what that will happen to me.  I need to be continually reminded of this especially when I wake up at night in pain and start to worry.  Nothing in life happens by chance but comes to us through Christ's loving hand.  I hope that is an encouragement for you too!

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