This afternoon I took Kaitlyn with me to the Meyer Center to swim. Then we went to the Christian County Library to pick out some books for her to read. She is an avid reader and we travel to the library frequently to keep her busy.
After making it home I decided to take a look at the room downstairs that David was painting. I made it down the first 1 1/2 flights with the crutches no problem but then fell down the last five stairs onto the concrete floor. I don't know how but I managed to somehow protect my bad foot and only slightly jammed it into the floor. It still hurt but it could have been much worse. My foot started to swell some after that. After dinner the kids had a "pajama party" and watched the movie "The Pacifier".
What an event filled day! I hope to sleep well tonight especially considering Daylight Savings Time starts tomorrow.
Oh my word!!! I'm so sorry about the fall!! You are such a trooper and have so much strength!!! I would be a lump in the corner!! Thank you for sharing your very real moments and your journey with us. Praying for you dear sister!!!