Tuesday, March 4, 2014

41 days post-op

I had another okay night and got about 6 hours of sleep with the help of my usual medications.  After breakfast this morning I decided to check out the Matt Ross Community Center in Overland Park.  It is a very nice facility that has a lap pool and a HydroWorx therapy pool.  Basically the pool has an underwater treadmill that is easy on the joints and uses a remote control to adjust the speed.  I did about 20 minutes on the treadmill and then did some ankle movement exercises.  My foot always feels a little sore while doing this but not terrible. I liked everything about the place except the tile floor in the pool area made walking around with crutches a little difficult.  I slipped a few times and even jammed my foot into the floor.  Ouch did that hurt!  I made it home and then had some lunch with my mom and son, Jackson.  This afternoon, I am taking care of Jackson and just chilling until my mom gets home from teaching at the homeschool co-op group.

I tried walking a little with the help of my crutches and then taking a few steps on my own.  The bottom of my foot is very swollen right now and painful.  I hope this goes away soon because I really would like to start putting more weight on my foot and be able to walk around soon.  I am trying to reach Dr. Parker or his nurse and ask if I need to come to a follow-up appointment or just discuss some of my concerns over the phone.  Well, I'll be posting an update if I find out anything later from my doctor. 

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