Sunday, March 23, 2014

8 weeks post-op

  It's been a while since my last post.  The Ipool is up and running and I've been faithfully swimming and doing my therapy exercises daily.  Over the last week, I have been sleeping consistently at least 6 hours still with the use of medicine.  The biggest improvement I have noticed is my ability to walk and stand for longer periods of time throughout the day.  I still am experiencing annoying nerve sensations/tingling which
I hope will gradually taper off in the upcoming months.
   As promised I am posting the pictures of our pool room.  My husband David did most of the work on this project but isn't in any of the pictures since he was the photographer.  Hope you enjoy!

We had a drain added in the concrete floor.

Jackson having a great time!

Ryan and Alex painting.

Ready to start the tile

Our friend, Justin laying tile.

Papa grouting around the tile.

Room ready for the pool!

Starting to assemble pool.


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