Friday, March 7, 2014

44 days post-op

     Okay I made a stupid mistake yesterday and way overdid it. I walked around the kitchen area in my parent's house for about 10 minutes without the crutches and I paid for it last night.  I was in terrible pain and it took a very long time to get to sleep but with the help of extra pain medicine and the usual drugs I was finally able to fall asleep and felt okay today when I woke up this morning.  This is very frustrating for me because it seems like a guessing game as to how much my foot can handle.  I guess the gauge is how I feel at night to determine what I can do during the day.  So for now I am back to putting a small amount of weight on the foot with crutches and just do the pool walking.  Maybe I should wait until this nerve pain starts to subside before trying to walk on land again.  Why does this have to take so long?  God is really trying to teach me something here I guess.  I need to just focus on that and other things right now to get my mind off of the healing of my foot.
    I haven't mentioned one thing that I am thankful for regarding the healing of my foot.  The incision area is looking pretty good right now and the area with the blister has healed nicely.   Hopefully that means I am past the mark of getting an infection around the incision.
     After I went to water therapy this morning I met my dear friend, Rachel, at Groundhouse Cofffee by my parent's house in Gardner.  I really enjoyed catching up with her about what is going on in each other's lives. We have known each other for about 26 years and go way back to being in the same Kindergarten class as kids.
   This evening my husband, David, and three older kids are returning from their ski trip in Colorado.  They had such a great time!  My five year old, Alex, actually became an expert skier and was skiing down some black diamond slopes his very first time skiing.  That kid is a daredevil and has no fear but also has remarkable coordination.  My eight year old son, Ryan, and seven year old daughter, Kaitlyn were also going down some blacks.  They have improved so much this year.  I sure hope I can join them next year and be able to see this first hand. Only time will tell but my first goal now is to be able to walk again without much pain.  :-)

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