Thursday, May 22, 2014

4 months post-op

   It's hard to believe it's been 4 months since my surgery.  I have continued to make progress over the last month and even though I still have some down days physically and emotionally, I am pleased that these are slowly becoming less often.  Yesterday, I enjoyed spending time with the family at Silver Dollar City in Branson.  Although walking around the amusement park wasn't completely pain free the experience was much better than I anticipated.
   I have been communicating with a physical therapist named Julie Bergmann in Southern California who had the same condition and surgery that I had.  She is now helping others with similar conditions and specializes in nerve related injuries.  Julie has been so encouraging and supportive throughout my recovery.  She even made a YouTube video demonstrating how to tape my foot/ankle to give more support around the area that is bothering me.  I've been taping my foot every day and think it has definitely helped make walking feel more comfortable.

Tarsal Tunnel Taping Method

  My night time pain is slowly getting better although I still wake up in the morning to a deep aching feeling it is not as intense as it used to be.  Also, I still get the tingly sensations in the inner arch area but it seems to be lessening as well.  I am being cautiously optimistic right now and hoping for more relief of symptoms during the upcoming months.  God has been good and I am continually grateful to Him for my recovery so far but most importantly my increasing faith and daily reliance on Him. God bless!

Friday, April 18, 2014

3 month post-op

  I am still alive!  Yes it has been awhile since my last update.  I've definitely seen progress in my foot and ability to walk.  I am thankful to be able to take care of my kids and walk around the house fairly well.  I can now go grocery shopping without too much pain.  Nerves are so interesting and I am amazed at the patterns of healing I have been experiencing so far.  The pain right after my surgery was mainly in the inner ankle.  I would feel major achy, burning, and tingling sensations.  Almost three weeks ago I started getting muscle twitching in my arch area, bottom of the foot, and toes.  The pain for the most part has disappeared in the ankle area and moved downward.  Now it seems like the process is starting all over again in the foot area.  I am hoping this is a good sign and means the nerves are regenerating.  Dr. Parker said this is a good thing and doesn't want to see me now since I am doing so well.  I was relieved to hear this but at the same time still get apprehensive sometimes that this will go on forever.  David, my husband, has been my rock and support and keeps reminding me not to worry and trust that God is doing exactly what He thinks is best for me right now.
 I have still been going to physical therapy and using the pool daily.  When I am swimming the kicking aggravates my foot area some where the nerves are irritated and healing. Overall, I really enjoy this time in the pool each day.  It is very therapeutic!  God bless and Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

9 weeks post-op

  This last week has certainly been looking mostly positive.  I am walking around the house during the day and this past weekend even went to Wal-mart without having to use the scooter.  I was pretty pleased about that.  I am still getting the nerve sensations in my foot which I'm hoping will go away in the next few months.  Most nights have still been the same and my foot hurts when I wake up after after around six hours of sleep.  I've been experimenting with different shoes and I like my Easy Spirit open back shoes for wearing around the house.  I am still in some pain whenever I walk on uneven surfaces such as the grass fields at my kid's soccer games.
  I have continued to use the pool we have downstairs and really enjoy it.  I decided to decrease my appointments to the physical therapist to one day on week since I am mostly doing my own therapy in the pool.  This will save quite a bit of time and gas.
  I don't know why but I am a little apprehensive about things right now.  This week will be the first week that I am going to take care of Jackson and the rest of the kids on my own.  Also, the weather is gorgeous outside and I am used to doing so many activities outside such as biking, running, and playing with the kids.  I am praying that God will give me contentment and to be grateful for the progress I have made so far.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

8 weeks post-op

  It's been a while since my last post.  The Ipool is up and running and I've been faithfully swimming and doing my therapy exercises daily.  Over the last week, I have been sleeping consistently at least 6 hours still with the use of medicine.  The biggest improvement I have noticed is my ability to walk and stand for longer periods of time throughout the day.  I still am experiencing annoying nerve sensations/tingling which
I hope will gradually taper off in the upcoming months.
   As promised I am posting the pictures of our pool room.  My husband David did most of the work on this project but isn't in any of the pictures since he was the photographer.  Hope you enjoy!

We had a drain added in the concrete floor.

Jackson having a great time!

Ryan and Alex painting.

Ready to start the tile

Our friend, Justin laying tile.

Papa grouting around the tile.

Room ready for the pool!

Starting to assemble pool.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

51 and 52 days post-op

     I didn't get the chance to update my blog yesterday so I decided to combine days.  I was pretty busy getting caught up with the kids on their schoolwork and getting Ryan ready for his History Banquet with school.  He has to memorize a fairly long speech about an ancient Greek person named Hipparchus.  This is a great learning experience for him but it is pretty stressful preparing for it.  I know he will do just fine, though.  
     Hannah, a girl from church came over yesterday and is staying until tomorrow.  She has been helping me with the kids at various times these last four months.  The kids love playing with her and it allows me to stay off my foot when I need to.  I have been helping out with the pool room downstairs a little and even cleaned some tile where the newly applied grout had been laid.  This evening, I even was able to assist David in assembling the pool. I might be able to even use it by tomorrow and I will post some pictures soon. 
     I have been on my feet more than I have in seven weeks so I know this is progress but I am hoping I won't regret it tonight.  I am thankful for the progress but I do wish the nerve symptoms would just disappear.  God's timing is best, though and I am praying He will heal these nerves soon or else give me the patience to endure.  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

50 days post-op

  I didn't get very good sleep last night probably because I started walking on my foot more around the house.  I hope this passes soon and I can keep progressing but continue to start getting more sleep as well.  Today, I was able to walk around the house pretty good but by this evening my foot was extremely swollen and sore.  I need to be careful not to overdue things too much.  I went to Wal-mart today and did some grocery shopping with the motorized scooter of course.  I'm definitely not ready to shop with a regular cart yet.  I don't know how long that will be. Sigh.....Honestly, this has been a pretty difficult day and draining probably because of the lack of sleep.  I'm praying tomorrow will be better.                  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

49 days post-op (7 weeks)

     Today I woke up around 5 a.m. and took some meds and slept another couple hours.  This seems to becoming a pattern here.  At least I felt well rested today.  Since the walking on my foot yesterday did not change my sleep pattern I decided to continue putting full weight on it today.  I had physio all morning and Barry had me try the Alter-G Anti-gravity treadmill.  This is a pretty cool piece of equipment because you can adjust how much weight and pressure are applied to the lower body.  This technology was originally for NASA astronauts training for a space mission.  Basically my whole lower body was encased in an air chamber and then I was able to walk on the treadmill for about 12 minutes very slowly at 70% of my body weight.  This felt pretty good and my foot wasn't too sore while doing this.
 Alter-G Anti-Gravity treadmill

     One of my main areas of soreness is where the Hyprocure implant is on the outer side of the foot.  I have read that the more a person walks with this the less pain they feel.  I am pleased with being able to walk (or more like hobble) around the house.  I look pretty pathetic, I know!
     This afternnon I watched all of the kids while David worked with his dad, Bobby and Justin to finish the tile.  It won't be much longer until the iPool is up and running!  Finally!  I'm very thankful for all the work they have done for this project.  After pizza for dinner the kids and I watched "101 Dalmations".